The Leadership Agility Compass is a graphic tool developed by ChangeWise that emerged from the 5 years of intensive research and writing underlying the book, Leadership Agility. When you know how to use it, it’s a tool that can make any leadership initiative you undertake more effective. If you're a leadership coach, you can use it to help your clients become more effective.
Our research on Leadership Agility found that the most successful leaders we studied invest time and attention in four key “territories.” This applies, regardless of whether an initiative involves leading organizational change, improving team performance, or engaging in pivotal conversations.
The four interrelated territories that are integral to any of these initiatives are:
Each point on the Leadership Agility Compass focuses on one of these territories. Together the four Compass points serve as a reminder to attend fully to all four territories. The Compass points themselves represent the four types of leadership agility needed in each of these territories. The underlying dynamic of agility is the same for all four types: You step back mentally from what you’re focused on, gain a wider and deeper perspective, and then put the key insights from this wider view into action. Here's how a leader can use the four points on the Compass:
Try it out and see what happens.
The Leadership Agility Compass is at the heart of the innovative Leadership Agility 360 feedback instrument and the Leadership Agility Accelerator. It is also at the core of our Leadership Agility Coaching Certification, as well as the Leadership Agility Change Lab, where leaders simultaneously advance their own change projects while increasing their agility as leaders.
If you'd like to learn more about leadership coaching that makes use of the Leadership Agility Compass, or if you're an Agile or leadership coach who'd like to learn more about our certification programs for coaches, contact us for a conversation.
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